
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chapter 3

  1. What "rings true for you" in this chapter?
I was reading this book while waiting on my dad at the doctors office. I was nearly in tears, the happy kind. I so did not want to give up my "carpet" gathering place in my classroom for a more grown up looking room and the sisters have told me NOT to! All classrooms need to have a gathering place  "regadless of the age of the children we teach." So  awesome.  I truly feel this part of my day of teaching is one of my biggest sucesses and a part of who I am to my core. I am so glad bought the hard copy of the book. There are more stuff in it enjoying the figures, and pictures the kindle version just doesn't compair. Thank you book study partner who suggested this was so, you inspred me to get the book, I have done so and it has been very benificial!
    3. What (if anything) could help improve the processes from this chapter in your classroom?
chimes: I need to work on me, sound the chimes for time to rotate or meet at carpet, don't give the verbal order too.  I used wind cimes in the past. I know someone who used a wireless door bell and she carried the buzzer with her and it was such a nice chime. I remember looking at them at walmart and not getting it. I may do this for my new 3rd grade class. Mainly because the Piedmont microburst blew away all my windchimes and having my classroom chimes in my trees at home has been so plesant. Plus there is a wireless door bell for $15 at! I like what the student said on page "stop, look, and listen." I use sign language a lot those words flow nicly in sign! I will have to use!!

book boxes: I  also need to make a list of what I want the kids to have in their book box (other than books). In the past they would have a letter sound key. With the older children I will have may have them make a file, I could see maybe the cafe menu in the box, as well as other tools.  In the past I have ordered boxes from the post office and they are plenty big for several books and resources in this size 11 7/8″ x 3 3/8″ x 13 5/8″. I am sure that simular boxes are available at Fedex and UPS.

Practice, practice, and more practice!! I have done this with my kinders and it does work. Also my kinders seemed to know who was causing out practice time to end this added a bit of pressure to build stamina!

I am so glad I am reareading the book and reading other people's takes on the Daily 5, it has been something I really loved in kindergarten and I think it's even going to be better in 3rd grade!

20 days to an independantly working classroom, who wouldn't love that!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will be moving to second grade. All of the rooms are very nice in my building but I will miss my double wide kindergarten room. I am a little worried about having a enough room for a nice library space as well as a meeting place. Since I have a smart board I want that to be available for our meeting space. I wish I could get in my room and play around with the furniture but we aren't allowed in until mid August.

