So I got started first I painted the chair with an outdoor primer in white. I did not want to spoil the rustic look of the chair but... I also wanted it to last I felt it was right so I did a partial paint job on it. Next I had a board cut to fit the book hole, I had to find someway to get the dirt to stay in. Then I filled with a potting mixture and put in some morning glory seeds. I did not Nick and soak them like I have in the past. I just decided to put them in the dirt.
One day I had a conversation with an old friend about the teacher summers. He said he said that he never takes the summer off he always teachers summer school (he is a high school teacher). I am a kindergarten teacher we typically do not have summer school for our kinders so my version of summer school is in the garden at home! What a great name for my new reuse planter "Summer School." I told my teenage daughter, a great artist to get busy making my school chair named in paint. She used paint pens and Incorporated the bullet holes into the art! I have also been making visitors to my property sign in on it as summer has begun! So far I have two signatures, both friends of my children. My dad did not sign hmmph!
I hope you enjoy the pictures and it inspires you to reuse something in a new way!
I absolutely love all of your creativity! I wish I had half the energy you seem to have. You must keep your students on the move.
Think all night…..Teach all day